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Crocus Petal ?!........

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Crocus petal isn’t the type of color you think of when you envision autumn but believe it or not, it’s one of the top 10 colors for this year’s fall/winter color palette.

Ashley Williams

This upcoming season will be full of bright hues and saturated fabrics.

Miu Miu

Yes, darker colors will always be on trend for the wintry months but you don’t need to limit your wardrobe to all black unless you want to of course.

Miu Miu

Keep in mind that mixing and matching can be done tastefully with colors, prints, and fabrics. Being more experimental is the way to end your year off with a bang.



Fashion Journalist,

Tiffany Mccoy

1 comment

  • Carolynn Colbert: October 01, 2018

    Very good article on the new color for fall/winter. When I was younger you always heard and saw the “new” color for the season. Thanks for the info.

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